IFO’s HW Sinn has not heard of Japan

JP has a new/old PM and the Yen is sliding. Japan is in Asia and apparently German IFO chief guru HW Sinn has not heard of it, does not care about it, or is just overly optimistic when it comes to forecasting the German economy.

Here are his forecast for 2013 regarding the German economy:

Eckdaten der Prognose für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (PDF, 21 KB)

and you can get more here.

Turning to the PDF: German government consumption going down, and private consumption going up! The only question remaining is, what is the name of his meth dealer? Granted, German TV and the media did their best to put Xmas sales in a VERY fave light. Fact is, sales sucked PERIOD!

It gets better: domestic demand increasing sharply to 2.1% versus 0.7% the year before. This in light of the fact that car dealers offer record rebates… Employment increasing! Just ask Siemens. Consumer prices going down! Now this was Hans Werner.


You might want to listen to Kyle. Why? Well, Germany is an export country, it does not have another business model, and from what I hear, Japan is in Asia and that happens to be an Asian country and Asia a very important export market for good ol’ Germany.

Kyle Bass here about what is going to happen in the near future in Japan. And you better believe him, unless your name is Unfuckable Lard Ass, who in 2008 said that whole crises does just concern America.

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